Sold Half the Apollo Fund (AFT)

STWD and Other Buys

Made a few changes, so I couldn’t wait a month before sending out this updated Portfolio! Sold a chunk of AFT… and added to a handful of existing holdings.

Recent Trades

AFT: Reduced from 5.03% to 2.52%

Sold approximately half my AFT because the price has been appreciating much faster than the NAV. Historically it traded at a discount to NAV (almost 10% discount over the past year). Recently that discount disappeared. As long as rates remain high, this fund will continue to pay a juicy distribution, but if/when rate cuts begin, the distributions will fall, and so will the price. The higher the price premium over NAV…the greater that fall will be.

Here’s a link to the AFT Price/NAV chart.

STWD: Increased from 2.04% to 3.01%

STWD took a brief hit because another (unrelated) Starwood fund placed a limit on redemptions. Full story in this recent video “Starwood Confusion = Opportunity”.

QQQI: Increased from 3.55% to 4.06%

The longer this NASDAQ 100 Covered Call fund proves itself (as its older brother SPYI is doing), the closer it will get to a full 5% allocation in my portfolio.

WDI: Increased from 1.92% to 2.4%

WDI just increased their dividend and reduced its leverage (slightly). Income has probably reached peak levels, but at a 7% discount to NAV it still represents decent value.

ABR: Increased from 0.79% to 1.34%

Formerly a core holding, I reduced ABR exposure substantially due to risks in the Multi-Family lending sector. A good chance that ABR’s excellent executive team can navigate through the difficult times, but I was being cautious. I’m slowly easing back in.

Recent Videos

Armchair Insider Portfolio, June 2024, Snowball csv file.pdf651.71 KB • PDF File


Thanks for stopping by…see you in the next issue!


Armchair Income

Disclaimer: I’m sharing information about my investments, but I’m not making any recommendations to you to buy or sell anything. Each investor has their own goals, risk tolerance, and timeline, and must make their own investments decisions…then take responsibility for those decisions. I’m not a financial advisor, and I don’t advise anybody regarding their investments. If the information in this newsletter is useful or helpful in any way, then my goal is achieved :) Some of the links provided above may be associated with affiliate programs. If so, use of those links will not incur any additional cost to the user (and will, in many cases, provide a benefit to the user) and may result in a referral commission to this newsletter.